99 Passionate Red Roses Grand Bouquet
99 Passionate Red Roses Grand Bouquet
This luxurious bouquet features 99 premium roses expertly arranged in our signature style.
Passionate Red:
A dramatic display of deep red roses wrapped in crisp white paper, creating a bold statement of elegance and romance.
Cake add-on? Get 68% off exclusive with this set!
- For more information about the Burnaway Heart cake, please click here.
- Our agent will contact you about your preferred cake flavor once you select this add-on.
Once you place your order, our representative will reach out to arrange your preferred delivery date
You can pick up your item for free at our Studio in Shek Tong Tsui. Delivery service is available at $200. Please note that we do not deliver to Outlying Islands, Restricted Areas, Discovery Bay and Ma Wan.